Jnana Deepa Library

Pune, India

Jnana Deepa Digital library is an initiative of Jnana Deepa (JD), Institute of Philosophy and Theology. Jnana Deepa is the name given to the Pontifical Athenaeum (Institute) in Pune. It has a history going back to 1893 when Pope Leo XIII founded the Papal Seminary in Kandy, Sri Lanka, and entrusted its direction and administration to the Society of Jesus. In 1955 the Papal Seminary and, with it, the Pontifical Institute was transferred from Sri Lanka to Pune. JD offers a curriculum of studies that is relevant to our times, our country, and our Church. The programme of studies provides a wide range of courses in Philosophy, Religion and the Social Sciences, with emphasis placed on the Indian philosophical and religious traditions. The mission of JD is to foster an integral understanding of the human person which mediates the vision of Jesus for India.

JD Library is one of the best Philosophy and Theology libraries in South Asia. It contains about 113,000 books, 25,000 volumes of bound periodicals, and several E-books and E-Journals. There are some rare Indian and foreign language books in the library. It also has palm-leaf manuscripts and rare book collections dating 16th and 17th century. Jnana Deepa Digital Library aims to preserve its priceless resources by generating digital copies of them and making them accessible universally to its staff and students.